Interactive Media Design Review 1999
Interactive Media Design Review 1999.iso
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-- ⌐ 1998 @radical.media, inc. & Concurrent New Media Group, L.L.C.
-- Developed for Bombardier, Inc.
-- All programming developed by:
-- Robert Fabricant, Valerie Valoueva, Ossi Shaked,
-- Henry Sauvageot, Chris Howell & Chris Girand
-- Use of this code by parties other than @radical.media, inc. or their
-- without the express written consent of @radical.media, inc. AND Concurrent
-- New Media Group, L.L.C. is strictly prohibited.
property mySprite, myName, myHilite, myBoundary, myLoc, myBoundLoc, selected, myType, lastSelected, myGroup
global lastSub
on new me
global menuController
set mySprite = the spriteNum of me
set myLoc = the loc of sprite mySprite
set myName = the name of member the member of sprite mySprite
set myHilite = myName&"-close"
set selected = 0
puppetSprite mySprite, true
set the loc of sprite mySprite = point(-1000, -1000)
set scriptNum = the scriptNum of sprite mySprite
set myType = the name of member scriptNum
register menuController, me, myName
set coverSprite = getSpriteNumFromMemberName ("anchor")
return me
on heresYourGroup me, theGroup
set myGroup = theGroup
on setLastSelected me, theLastSelObj
set lastSelected = theLastSelObj
on getType me
return myType
--Set up a subcategory menu's background sprite
on setSprite me, theSprite
set myBoundary = theSprite
set myBoundLoc = the loc of sprite myBoundary
puppetSprite myBoundary, true
set the loc of sprite myBoundary = point(-1000, -1000)
on deselect me
repeat with i = 1 to count(myGroup)
set teamMate = getat(myGroup, i)
disable teamMate
end repeat
on disable me
set selected = 0
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myName
set faraway = point(-1000,-1000)
set the loc of sprite myBoundary = faraway
set the loc of sprite mySprite = faraway
--Clear previously selected subcategory
on deleteSub me
set lastSub = void
on mouseUp me
-- IWasSelected lastSelected, me
if selected then--clicked to fold up the subcategory menu
set selected = 0
set the loc of sprite myBoundary = point(-1000,-1000)
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myName
repeat with i = 1 to count(myGroup)
set teamMate = getat(myGroup, i)
set hisType = getType(teamMate)
-- Make sure that when a subcategory menu is closed clickin on
-- the category just reopens it,instead of taking
-- you to category section
if hisType = "category" then
setCatEnable teamMate, FALSE
end if
hideYourSelf teamMate
end repeat
else --clicked to open up the subcategory menu
set selected = 1
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myHilite
set the loc of sprite myBoundary = myBoundLoc
repeat with i = 1 to count(myGroup)
set teamMate = getat(myGroup, i)
set hisType = getType(teamMate)
-- Make sure that when a subcategory menu is open clickin on
-- the category will take you to category section
if hisType = "category" then
setCatEnable teamMate, TRUE
end if
showYourSelf teamMate
end repeat
end if
if not voidP(lastSub) then
reset lastSub --hilite currently selected subcategory
end if
puppetsound 3, "mouse5"
-- hide and show yourselves are called by the knob script itself to make its folks (category and subs) either be visible or not visible.
on hideYourSelf me
set faraway = point(-1000,-1000)
set the loc of sprite myBoundary = faraway
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myName
set the loc of sprite mySprite = myLoc
set selected = 0
on showYourSelf me
set selected = 1
set the loc of sprite myBoundary = myBoundLoc
set the loc of sprite mySprite = myLoc
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myHilite
-- the 2 rollover handlers
on mouseEnter me
if not selected then
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myHilite
end if
on mouseLeave me
if not selected then
set the member of sprite mySprite = member myName
end if
on setSubCat me, theSub
set lastSub = theSub
-- not called so far in this application but necessary to call if the "behaviour lines" for the submenus are ever broken.
on endPuppeting me
puppetSprite mySprite, false
puppetSprite myBoundary, false